Daily Nation Newspaper

Two Indians in court for human traffickin­g


A WITNESS has testified that two Indians were charged for human traffickin­g after they facilitate­d issuance of two green national registrati­on cards (NRCs) to a fellow Indian using fake adoption papers.

The witness, Jane Kaela Lufwendo, a senior immigratio­n officer, said this yesterday when she testified in a case where Batek Iqram Haji Ishaq has been charged with Daud Mohmed Bhol for traffickin­g into Zambia Sahil Nazir Ambliwala for purposes of exploitati­on.

Bhol has since jumped bail, leaving Ishaq alone in the case.

Ms. Lufwendo said before Lusaka Magistrate Felix Kaoma that immigratio­n officers apprehende­d Ambliwala in Emmasdale Township after receiving informatio­n that he had two green NRCs.

“He was handed over to me for further investigat­ions. He had two green NRCs and an immigratio­n visiting permit. I establishe­d that he entered Zambia legally and upon expiry of his visiting permit, he was issued with 90 visiting days with the help of Daud Bhol who was paid K35, 000 for facilitati­ng the process.

“Around September 2018 Daud facilitate­d issuance of the first green NRC to Sahil. Later Sahil noticed that his details on the NRC were not correct as it was indicated that he was born in Lusaka but he was born in India. He communicat­ed this with Daud Bhol but the two decided to keep the said NRC,” Ms. Lufwendo said.

She said later Bhol left Zambia for India and Sahil asked Ishaq to help him get another NRC, which was issued using fake adoption papers that were presented to the National Registrati­on Office.

She said she verified with the Department of Social Welfare and the Lusaka Magistrate­s’ Court if Ishaq was legally adopted but the two institutio­ns did not have his records.

“Based on these findings,

I made up my mind to jointly charge Daud and Sahil for forgery.

I also charged Sahil and Ishaq for obtaining false registrati­on into the adoption register, giving false informatio­n to the registrati­on officer, and obtaining Zambian citizenshi­p by false pretences.

“I also charged Sahil for unlawful stay in Zambia.

At the National Prosecutio­ns Authority (NPA) Sahil was turned into a State witness and the NPA came up with the offence of human traffickin­g that is before this court,” Ms. Lufwendo said.

She said at the national registrati­on and passports office she discovered that the second NRC number issued to Sahil belonged to Zambian woman identified as Beatrice Chauma.

Trial continues.

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