Daily Nation Newspaper

Govt raises funds to ferry Chirundu relief maize


A MEETING of Government heads of department­s called to find a lasting solution to the hunger situation in Chirundu has resolved that each department should contribute funds towards ferrying of maize.

The funds would be used to buy fuel to ferry maize from the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) depot to the central business district (CBD) for sale to the community.

Chirundu district council Secretary, John Mwanza, stated that the heads of department­s agreed to raise K15, 000 which will be used for fuel to ferry maize from FRA depot to the CBD.

Mr Mwanza said about 100 tonnes of maize allocated for sale to the community sale was still stocked at the FRA shed near Samboko village on the Chirundu highway.

He thanked the pastors’ fellowship for making strides towards alleviatio­n hunger situation in the district.

He said so far the fellowship has organised about 22 bags of mealie meal and 50 bags of rice which will be donated to affected households.

Meanwhile, a local activist has called for more interactio­n between Government department­s and the local community in the border town. Chirundu Forum activist chief consultant, Mwangala Kawana, appealed to all heads of department­s in the area to ensure that community members were sensitised on services being offered in their respective department­s.

He said this was one of the ways the local community could start appreciati­ng Government programmes and services aimed at uplifting their living standard.

Mr Kawana said in an interview that it was sad that most people in the district were still ignorant of Government operations.

He said there was need for Government department­s i to use media platforms to interact with the community.

Mr Kawana explained that his forum would not relent in speaking out on issues affecting the people until sanity was restored.

“We are not going to sleep and keep quiet on issues affecting our people because our core mandate is to speak on behalf of the voiceless,” he said.

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