Daily Nation Newspaper

Court convicts incest charged siblings


A BROTHER and sister who had been living as husband and wife have been convicted and committed to the High Court for sentencing after being found guilty of incest.

The siblings have two children from their incestuous marriage. In his judgement Lusaka magistrate Faides Hamaundu found that Alivad Mumba and Miriam Hara continued having sex despite knowing that they were brother and sister. Mumba, 36, a painter, had been charged with incest. Particular­s of the offence were that between 2014 and October 6, 2018 in Lusaka he had carnal knowledge of Hara knowing she was his sister. In count two Hara, 22, had been charged with offences against morality. Particular­s of the offence were that between the same dates Hara had carnal knowledge of Mumba whom to her knowledge was her brother. The two pleaded not guilty claiming they did not know they were siblings as they had not been introduced. During trial, Hara’s mother confirmed to the court that the two were her biological children but had different fathers. Enala Mwanza, 57, a farmer of Petauke, testified that she has eight children, among them Mumba and Hara. Reading the judgement magistrate Hamaundu found that in 2012 during school holidays Mumba picked Hara from his brother, Leonard Mwanza, so that she could help him look after his children and do house chores. Mwanza had said from that time the two lived together and engaged in sexual intercours­e resulting in two offspring. At this point Ms Hamaundu found the couple guilty of incest and committed them to the High Court for sentencing as her court did not have the jurisdicti­on to sentence them.

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