Daily Nation Newspaper



Dear Editor,

M ost people rise to the pinnacle of leadership through unexplaine­d but real circumstan­ces. Remember how Frederick Chiluba took over from Arthur Wina, Levy Mwanawasa becoming President against the prominent MMD members and how Lieutenant General Christon Tembo was made FDD President instead of the most likely Brigadier Godfrey Miyanda.

Leadership is a favour from God, and you can only get it if you make the right steps. Nelson Chamisa of the Zimbabwe MDC did just that, he asked for fresh mandate just after his first and failed attempt for Republican Presidency, knowing he had no control on the past events, but that he has a lot of influence on the future. This is the kind of intra party democracy which is absent in our opposition parties. We instead love, champions of criticism whose tongues will one day cling to the roof of their mouths and will talk no more. They are showing no real purpose for opposition, as they prefer to always rejoice and fiddle at any slight chance of trouble in the country.

Joshua 1:1-18 reads in part, “When Moses died, he was succeeded by Joshua his assistant. Joshua was obeyed and respected”. In the same way, when President Sata died, Mr. Edgar Lungu as acting President then succeeded him. President Lungu’s works may not be appreciate­d now as the public will always demand for immediate solutions.

We shall only appreciate him once he has left office, as stars only shine in the dark. We all desire to be in leadership, but we need to present ourselves as servants in truth, humility and honesty. It does not take one to talk the loudest to be a leader, but it is a calling where you are prepared to run a democratic system which is convertibl­e or able to recline in accommodat­ing public demands with an honest humane governance duty to be firm on principle and policy. Principle as a rule in managing the system while, policy to maintain the route in the administra­tion of public affairs. Therefore, all government functions are limited by principle and policy, however though, public demands share the same interest with governance principle and policy by further creating a shared responsibi­lity in running a government of the people, for the people and by the people, without excluding the opposing views.

To be the leader, is not to know everything as some people in the opposition want to present themselves, but it is to be able to identify those that know what we don’t know and to be able to use that knowledge for the benefit of the public. Equally, criticisin­g everything done by others is as good as condemning yourself because you have chosen to give advice only when it benefits you.

Nelson Chamisa is a good example of an alternativ­e leader for Zimbabwe, for all he does is for the common good. We are yet to discover one such leader in Zambia because there is a tendency by the opposition leaders to wither quickly like grass on the roof top by departing from the principle and policy of a government in the making by turning into enemies of society in promoting hate, division and propagatin­g only that which benefits them.

Leadership is really an approval from God.

As a favour, leadership is for a purpose to society and once that favour is not available, leadership will always elude you.

So, be of a character that will create the purpose for leadership.


 ??  ?? Frederick Chiluba
Frederick Chiluba

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