Daily Nation Newspaper

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Leave President Chiluba alone

Editor, Stop demonising Chiluba's name. He was a leader of his own making. He made mistakes and successes just like all of us do. Some of you speak as though you are saints who have not made any mistakes in your entire lives. You are hypocrites who are using the same freedom of speech Chiluba brought to insult him. Arden Matafwali.

On calls for HH to step down

Editor, The only reason why most UPND supporters want HH to continue is because of his financial muscle and not because he has any robust political ideology or policy that will change the fortunes of Zambia’s economy. If he had his stronghold Southern Province would have been a good example of proper management. Other than his fortune, HH has nothing else to offer. It seems UPND have never heard of the term king maker. HH would be best working in the background like he did during Anderson Mazoka’s time. Let them find someone that would be easy to sell countrywid­e. Let him then run as running mate in the next election. Unless you are happy losing all the time, let HH run again Swima Banda.

Sleeping at Intercity bus station ban

Editor, This government loves to criticise itself. Who says buses should not be moving in the night but in the morning. Some people cannot afford to sleep in a hotel so they prefer to sleep at the bus station and not to miss the bus. Let's be consistent with our policies. Where else do you want travelders to be sleeping. Shadreck Mwaka.

Go on ECL and win the 2021 elections

Editor, I think that there is some truth in that EIU report about Lungu winning the 2021 elections which have already started to hurt the feelings of UPND fellows. One of the primary problems of these guys in UPND is their leadership which is suffering. For you it means doing the same (i) Strategy, (ii) Tactic, (iii) Approach and yet expecting different outcomes. If you put two baskets that contain 5 mangoes each, into one basket, they will become 10 mangoes in a basket. You will not ever end up with 15, 25, 30 mangoes no matter how many times you swap the baskets. In arithmetic, 1 + 1 = 2. It cannot compute to 3, 5, 7, etc…. Never !! Joachim Chiseche.

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