Daily Nation Newspaper



ACATHOLIC Priest has cautioned politician­s against engaging in tribal politics as it is dividing the country. Moomba Parish Priest Darlington Muyembe said there was need for politician­s to unite the country as opposed to dividing it.

He said that tribal politics was a danger to the nation as people would remain divided.

Speaking during a special mass attended by President Edgar Lungu, Katuba PF candidate Zax Mwachilele, PF Katuba campaign manager Paul Moonga, Cabinet Ministers and other party officials yesterday, the Priest observed that tribal politics had potential to cause civil war in the country.

Father Muyembe said politician­s who were in the forefront of dividing the country must not be given a chance to govern the nation.

"It is very retrogress­ive for politician­s to start dividing the country because of the tribal politics. This kind of politics is very dangerous to the nation.

"But I want to urge the nation that politician­s that are dividing the nation

— Bishop Kaela. should not be given chance to govern and politician­s that insult others instead of engaging in issue-based politics must be denied by all Zambians.

Father Muyembe said Zambians should maintain unity, respect and love for one another adding that there was no need to treat one another as enemies.

“Let's promote oneness as Zambians," he said.

He however urged President Lungu to be a unifier in the country.

He said President Lungu as father of the nation needed to treat people as one regardless of their political affiliatio­n and religion.

And Bishops Council of Zambia (BCZ) Secretary General Bishop Abel Kaela says tribal politics divide the nation and bring contention between marriages especially intermarri­ages.

Bishop Kaela said in an interview yesterday that tribal politics were dividing the country and mainly affecting the many marriages in the country.

“For politician­s it’s a very sad thing for them to continue riding over tribal politics and that’s why Dr Kaunda was wise enough to bring all the tribes together in one Zambia one nation campaign, so that people can forget about tribe and concentrat­e on developing the country,” he said.

He said it was not right for politician­s to ride on tribal politics because this resulted in problems which grow into civil war, where one tribe would rise against another.

“I strongly condemn those who are still riding on the issues of tribe because that is total ignorance of how people should live with one another. I totally agree that politician­s should not ride on tribal politics,” he said.

Bishop Kaela cautioned all those MPs and party presidents to turn away from tribal politics because tribal politics were a source of all evil.

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