Daily Nation Newspaper

‘Support religious ministry’


THE role of the Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs in trying to solicit to change some long standing traditiona­l beliefs and practices which are in conflict with Christian values and principles must be supported, says Church of God Cathedral of Miracles Bishop Naison Nyonyo.

Bishop Nyonyo said there was need for a change of the mindset on how people viewed things if peace and unity were to be realised in Zambia.

He said it could not be denied that Zambia was a Christian nation that should be guided by Christian principles to produce a generation that was free from illicit activities.

Bishop Nyonyo said it was imperative to inculcate good morals in society to ensure a new generation adhered to Christian values.

The Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs is working with chiefs to help transform people’s lives through fostering messages of Christian values in their

Minister of National Guidance and Chiefs’ Affairs Godfridah Sumaili said her ministry had already identified stakeholde­rs to explore ways of how it could work with them in promoting Christian and national values and principles.

Reacting to Reverend Sumaili’s remarks Bishop Nyonyo said when Zambians observed Christiani­ty values, disrespect and violence would be history and the motto of One Zambia, One Nation would be a reality.

He said clergymen and traditiona­l leaders were custodians of the communitie­s and therefore had a responsibi­lity to help the government to groom a generation that embraced and champion peace and unity in the country.

Bishop Nyonyo attributed youth violence to boredom.

He was sad that youths had allowed themselves to be used as tools of violence.

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