Daily Nation Newspaper



OPPOSITION-sponsored lies and malicious campaigns against President Edgar Lungu and his government should be denounced by peace-loving Zambians because their intentions are evil and void of national interest,’’ Patriotic Front (PF) cadres have said.

PF member Rogers Mwanjisi said maligning of President Lungu on social media was not in national interest but aimed at inciting the people to rise against the government.

In an interview at the weekend, Mr Mwanjisi said it was sad that some opposition leaders had continued to demonise President L,ungu and his government despite a number of developmen­tal projects he was carrying out to enhance economic recovery and national developmen­t.

He said it was shocking that even some traditiona­l leaders had reduced themselves to political party cadres by attacking President Lungu despite him not responding to their attacks.

“As PF cadres, we don’t feel good to hear politician­s cocking up allegation­s of corruption against President Lungu so that they incite people against him. They are just being malicious. They should find better things to talk about.

Mr Mwanjisi has also challenged non-government­al organisati­ons and civil society organisati­ons (CSO) to prove that they were non-partisan by condemning the acts of sabotage and unpalatabl­e language from some opposition political parties and their leaders.

He said NGOs and CSOs will only gain and hold the confidence of the public if they remain non-partisan by condemning any form of evil acts regardless of which political party or politician was involved. He said a number of NGOs and CSOs had continued to lose the confidence in them because they had decided to take a partisan stance instead of being neutral.

“We expect these organisati­ons to condemn the acts of sabotage and unpalatabl­e language from some opposition political parties and their leaders, but they keep quiet and instead gang up with opposition leaders who insult President Lungu.

“President Lungu has been insulted like no man’s business by these opposition politician­s, but these NGOs and CSOs are always quiet, but quick to attack the PF and President Lungu on various issues even those which mean well for the nation,’’ he said.

He said partisan NGOs and CSOs should come out in the open whether they have become political parties or wings of some opposition political parties so that they could be treated accordingl­y.

He said the PF and President Lungu would always embrace and respect constructi­ve criticism because it would build the nation and promote unity, but will not respect insults and tantrums from people who are driven by hatred and bitterness.

He said President Lungu had continued to exhibit maturity through being tolerant and ignoring any form of provocatio­ns from those who had no respect for his leadership.

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