Daily Nation Newspaper



Dear Editor,

CHIEF Chitimukul­u of the Bemba people has advised newly appointed Northern Province Minister Chungu Bwalya to ignore doomsayers. This is timely advice which the minister should take heed of. Some people want others or those in leadership positions to fail and would do anything to make sure this happens. Jealousy in some cases drives some weak-minded individual­s to criticise others with a view to making them fail in their endeavours. This is what leaders should guard against.

If leaders spend time worrying about what their critics are plotting or saying, they would not have time to

do their own work.

They will spend time guessing what their critics are plotting. However, like the Mwinelubem­ba has said, leaders such as ministers are working for the people and that should be their preoccupat­ion. They should not worry about what critics will say as long as they know that they are doing the right thing and in the right way. That is the only thing which should be of concern to them.

People will never stop talking because they want to remove you from your office. Ministers, especially those in charge of provinces, should ensure that districts are well managed have all necessary services being provided to the public.

The provision of clean drinking water is prime as well as proper roads. I want to thank Paramount Chitimukul­u for this timely advice to our minister.

I also pray that this interactio­n between the minister and the chiefs will continue.

The two sides need each other to ensure developmen­t gets to every corner of the province.


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