Daily Nation Newspaper



FORMER UPND vice president Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba (GBM) yesterday publicly apologised to President Edgar Lungu for all the wrongs things he did and said against him while he was in the opposition party.

Mr Mwamba told a huge crowd at Kasama’s Location market that he was grateful for President Lungu’s forgiving heart and for welcoming him back to the Patriotic Front.

“I am really sorry for all the wrong things I said against you, forgive me I don’t know what entered my heart but I have learnt my lesson,” Mr Mwamba told President Lungu.

“Mr President forgive me for all the things

I have said and done to you. You and I have come a long way. Even during the time of Mr Sata, It was Mr Lungu, Given Lubinda and I who were in the fore front going to campaign.

Mr Mwamba said many people were not aware just how close he and the President had been during President Sata’s campaign period and rule. He said it was therefore not surprising that he had been forgiven because Mr Lungu, whom he referred to as his brother, had a good heart.

He also said it was providence that he had joined the opposition UPND so that he could see for himself just how bad hearted its leader was. “Bamunyinan­e ulya muntu (Hichilema) mubi umutima, mufwafye.” (That person has a bad heart, you just hear about it, but I know). And Mr Mwamba has declared Northern Province as a no go area for the opposition UPND.

He said it could have been God’s plan that he joined UPND to learn something about the selfishnes­s of the leadership.

Mr Mwamba pledged his total support and loyalty to President Lungu for the betterment of the Patriotic Front. He said he would work with the structures in the region to ensure Northern, Luapula and Muchingqa provinces were no go areas for the opposition.

And earlier, President Lungu told the crowd of cheering traders and residents that he and Mr Mwamba were friends and went back a long and he had welcomed him back to the PF fold. The President assured Kasama residents that he would rekindle the Sata spirit and work with Mr Mwamba to develop the province and other parts of the country.

He also pledged to provide electricit­y at the district’s biggest market before erecting a new shelter. He asked Kasama Central Member of Parliament, Kelvin Sampa to ensure that money was sourced for the project by visiting Lusaka.

 ??  ?? President Lungu (centre) holds Mr Mwamba’s hand as he introduces him to the crowd at Location Market. With them is Kasama Central MP Kelvin Sampa.
President Lungu (centre) holds Mr Mwamba’s hand as he introduces him to the crowd at Location Market. With them is Kasama Central MP Kelvin Sampa.

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