Daily Nation Newspaper



‘‘Any encroachme­nts by any chief or person into Mwenge Mando chiefdom would lead to litigation­s in court.’’ - Chief Mando

WE shall not hesitate to take legal action against any person that encroacher­s on our land, Chief Mwenge Mando of the Bisa in Muchinga has warned.

Chief Mando said any encroachme­nts by any chief or person into Mwenge Mando chiefdom would lead to litigation­s in court.

In an interview Chief Mando said despite his chiefdom not yet being gazattione­d, his land was not going to be given to any other chief or chiefdom.

Chief Mando also accused Chief Kabanda of fighting against his chiefdom from being gazetted by government as he believed that once that happened the land was going to become part of his chiefdom.

“We know that the nearby chief Kabanda is not in support of my chiefdom to be gazetted because he thinks it will be absorbed and be part of his chiefdom, never. We will not agree, not any part of our land will be given to any other chief anymore,” said Chief Mando.

Chief Mando said despite his chiefdom being the first before the chiefdom of chief Kabanda which was gazetted, his chiefdom had not yet been gazetted.

“I'm the uncle to Chief Kabanda and the first Chief Mwenge Mando who gave land to Kabanda to settle with his people and this informatio­n is not just verbal but documented in the Catholic Church Missionari­es' book written from 1909, 1934, and 1984 titled "Where a scattled flock gathered," he said.

He said Mwenge Mando Chiefdom was big with sub Chiefs namely Chintu Chilumba, Chitembo, Tambe, and Kankulwa.

“We feel like we are in a black colonialis­m and this will not end until our Chiefdom gets Gazetted by President Edgar Lungu in Conjunctio­n with the chairman of the house of Chiefs,” he said.

Chief Mando appealed to President Lungu to look into the matter.

“It's very true going by the Bemba," ukuselela uwa matako ayakulu pa chipuna kuti akupoka chonse," he said.

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