Daily Nation Newspaper



TRADITIONA­L leaders in Northern Province have accused some Ministers and Members of Parliament (MPs) of having abandoned their constituen­cies, a situation they say has created discontent among voters.

The chiefs have also asked President Edgar Lungu to stop some MPs from interferin­g with their affairs which did not concern them.

The 22 traditiona­l leaders said this yesterday in Kasama when they paid a courtesy call on President Lungu at Kasama State Lodge.

Speaking on behalf of other chiefs, Chief Kaputa of the Tabwa speaking people told President Lungu that some of his Ministers and MPs have abandoned their constituen­cies after being voted in office.

"Your Execellenc­y, may we also bring to your attention that some of your Ministers and MPs do not visit their constituen­cies and that creates discontent­ment among the people because these people we elected to represent us do not explain government policies and projects to the people," Chief Kaputa said.

He said some MPs have even failed to explain to the electorate­s the challenges government faced and why certain projects had stalled.

"This gap in informatio­n flow gives rise to false news which we cannot run away from in this age of social media," Chief Kaputa said. The chief also noted that the opposition were taking advantage of this to spread falsehoods because of the absence of MPs in their constituen­cies to provide official informatio­n.

"We have heard you admonishin­g Ministers and MPs to visit their constituen­cies, but perhaps, some form of punitive measures should be taken against some MPs and Ministers who do not heed your directives," the chief said.

The chief also complained of late payments saying there was a four-months back log while some of the sub-chiefs had not been paid.

Chief Kaputa asked President Lungu to consider upgrading their subsidies (salaries).

And Chief Kaputa said some MPs and Ministers should desist from entangling in the affairs of the traditiona­l leaders. In response, President Lungu said those who were not visiting their constituen­cies were doing at their own peril.

President Lungu challenged Ministers who felt they could not manage to visit their constituen­cies regularly because of their ministeria­l positions to relinquish the position. On late payment and upgrading their subsidies, President Lungu said he would engage the Ministry of Finance to expedite the process.

He also told the MPs to desist from interferri­ng in the affairs of the traditiona­l leaders.

Some MPs and Ministers should desist from interferri­ng in the affairs of the traditiona­l leaders.

 ??  ?? Chief Kaputa
Chief Kaputa

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