Daily Nation Newspaper

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Health for all welcome


It is reassuring to hear from President Edgar Lungu that his government is committed to ensuring every citizen has easy access to quality healthcare services without leaving anyone behind. It is nice too to learn President Lungu truly believes in universal health coverage for all Zambians but I know to our hate-filled opposition leaders, this is not news. This will only crank their hate up. That is their problem, as for me, I am ready for this. - Davidson Mululwa.

Good luck in 2021


The general membership of UPND is rather worried because instead of sitting down to analyse the observatio­n made by the experience­d politician­s they are busy with their negativity making the party not to grow. Anyway, good luck in 2021. You will cry alone again because you refuse to see and to listen. - Kingstone Bwalya.

Well done Avic Internatio­nal


You have set a good pace Avic Internatio­nal Zambia Limited for increasing salaries for your employees by up to 10 percent.

The company’s Public Relations Officer Justinah Kapambwe says those targeted for the upward adjustment are electricia­ns, welders, carpenters and plumbers, all from the constructi­on department.

It is my wish that the rest of companies in Zambia would emulate Avic because after all the economic hardships affect all of us.

This should certainly act as a motivation­al factor. – Rosemary Bwalya Chanda.

On planned new vegetable market for Lusaka


These are the ideas officers with MBAs in government offices should be championin­g. We have a lot of schooled fellows in suits with innovation. Local Government ministry can easily set up such markets and generate income and create employment directly / indirectly.

In SA they have Johannesbu­rg Market and it is huge. It employs a lot people and creates business opportunit­ies. – Mulwanda Siwela.

On measures to control mealie meal prices


A 25kg bag of mealie meal is enough for a family of eight people for a month. Just change eating habits.

For some Zambians it is nshima for breakfast, nshima for lunch, 16.00 hrs porridge and nshima for supper. In DR Congo a bag of maize is fetching more than $50 (about K650). So think again. - Theresa Masulani.

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