Daily Nation Newspaper



TRADE Kings Group of Companies (TKGC) says increasing awareness and understand­ing the importance of hand washing with soap as an effective and affordable way to prevent diseases is key to save lives.

TKGC Public and corporate affairs manager, Bridget Kambobe, said health education was important to building students and resident’s knowledge, skills and positive attitudes about health.

She said health education for young people motivated them to improve and maintain their health, prevent diseases and reduce risky behaviours. Ms Kambobe said with the onset of the dry season the spread of bacteria and infection was at its peak hence the company was working with the Medical Associatio­n to help prevent the spread of diseases particular­ly Cholera.

Speaking during the global hand wash day in Kanyama Township yesterday, Ms Kambobe said Kanyama and several parts of Lusaka were in 2017 and 2018 hit by cholera in the rainy season.

She said this was why the company was committed to ensuring residents were educated on the importance of hygiene and hand washing.

Mr Kambobe said in a water scarce environmen­t, personal hygiene was easily neglected and diseases were quick to spread, particular­ly in densely populated areas such as Kanyama.

“In line with the commitment to health of the Zambian TKGC during the month of October will donate to Medical Associatio­n of Zambia hygiene products which include hand washing soap, chlorine and antiseptic Liquid,” she said.

She said Trade Kings recognised the importance of contributi­ng to the health of the people because better life was central to human happiness and wellbeing.

She said in promoting good health and hygiene, the company was going to conduct sensitisat­ion programmes in schools in Chawama, Kanyama, Chipata and Matero townships.

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