Daily Nation Newspaper

Prayer, fasting is refreshing!


AS Zambia went into national prayers a few days ago, people of varying background­s gave many different opinions on this important day, some out of tune while others expressed themselves within the context of Biblical doctrine. The social media was awash with expression­s about the National Day of Prayer, Fasting, Repentance and Reconcilia­tion which falls on October 18, every year. Some opinions were outrightly contradict­ory! Yes, it was a national holiday and this year had an apt theme: “Receiving times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord through reconcilia­tion with one another and the environmen­t for a prosperous Zambia.” However, it was worrying that some people, especially in the political arena, misunderst­ood the whole concept while others were out to mislead the people by twisting informatio­n. Many of the critics ignorantly pointed out that some citizens must not resort to prayer because, according to them, they are not in good standing with the Lord. How warped! Blind critics ought to understand that all Zambians, regardless of their familial, political and societal status are equal in the eyes of the Almighty Lord as Apostle Paul postulated in the Book of Galatians 3:26-28. “So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God for all of you who were baptised into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” From the scripture therefore, we learn that all people are the same in the eyes of the Lord and that the Almighty does not discrimina­te. God listens to all! Additional­ly, those who wrongly believe that only a few should enjoy communion with God should read and meditate on Philippian­s 2:3, which says, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.” Therefore, there was absolutely no reason for anyone to scorn people who gathered and prayed in unison. In fact, the Bible in both the Old and New Testament teaches the value of fasting, which is abstaining from food or drink to focus on prayer and seeking God's will. Zambia is mired in problems which of course must be confronted by leaders with the support of citizens. However, this is not complete as citizens also need to faithfully summon supernatur­al support from the Living God. It was sad that a great deal of ignorance was expressed on prayer and fasting. Thus from today onwards, people must realise that prayer and fasting opens one’s heart to spiritual revival, meaning an individual or group of people can rekindle the Holy Spirit through fasting and prayer. Ultimately hearts are refreshed. Secondly, the spirit of prayer and fasting entails that an individual surrenders comfort to gain spiritual clarity. It is also true that prayer and fasting breaks demonic stronghold­s as stated in the Book of Isaiah 58:6, “Deep prayer combats spiritual opposition and satanic stronghold­s.” People can also fast from objects such as social media and this leads to greater intimacy with the Lord. Therefore, when it is time for prayer and fasting, political undertones must be decanted so that the nation focuses on God with whom they must develop that intimacy. It does not matter who initiates the process; the focus and meditation must be on His Word and God Himself. Therefore, critics must stop vilifying those who are seeking the face of God.

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