Daily Nation Newspaper

UPND cadre turns on ‘unhelpful’ leader


A UPND cadre who was disappoint­ed by party president, Hakainde Hichilema’s failure to meet her expectatio­ns of assistance, has sent a voice note on social media slamming him for being ‘unhelpful’. And the Mr Hichilema was alleged to have chased upcoming actress and party member Tina Kuluza of Solwezi from his home, after she went to seek help from him in form of K10, 000 to cover travel expenses. According to a voice note which went viral on social media yesterday, Tina Kuluza is heard saying she urgently needed the money to enable her meet her travel expenses to Nigeria where she was due to travel on December 3, 2019, but was unable to do so due to financial constraint­s. Ms Kuluza claimed her trip to Nigeria was for purposes of shooting or filming a movie. She said earlier, UPND Solwezi Central Member of Parliament Stafford Mulusa had promised her that Mr Hichilema would help her meet travel costs to Nigeria. She said she was shocked when Mr Hichilema gave her K600 and chased her away upon meeting him in Lusaka. “I was in the UPND, now I came to Lusaka to ask for help from the UPND party and I told Mr Mulusa, my MP from Solwezi, he said he was going to help me by taking the issue to Mr Hichilema. “I was invited to go and shoot a movie in Nigeria, I have all the papers. I showed these people all my papers and they said they would help me. I first met Mr Hichilema at Radio Phoenix where he had gone for a programme and I explained myself to him. “He removed a K600, saying this is how far he can go with helping me and that he doesn’t have money to help me. I also went to his house, but he chased me,” Ms Kuluza said.

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