Daily Nation Newspaper

HH is chief tribalist -Lusambo


HAKAINDE Hichilema is the chief tribalist in the country while his MPs are cowards who were only in Parliament to propagate one person’s agenda, Lusaka Province minister, Bowman Lusambo charged yesterday.

Mr Lusambo told a media briefing that Mr Hichilema in 2011 had tried to entice him into the same tribalism through emissaries but I rejected him, Bowman Lusambo charged yesterday. “Hichilema phoned me and said he wanted Bembas to fear Tongas and that we should work together,” Mr Lusambo said. “Haikande Hichilema called me. Die Hard, now the only voice which these Bembas can fear is a Tonga bull. I told him, Mr President, you have made a mistake. Me, I can never be a tribalist. He told me we should meet,” Mr Lusambo said Mr Lusambo, who is Lusaka Province minister and Kabushi Member of Parliament, also accused the UPND leader of using money acquired from privatizat­ion deals to fund his political activities. “HH thinks he can dupe the Zambian people into electing him president of the country after he looted the assets during the privatizat­ion but this won’t happen,” Lusaka Minister Bowman Lusambo has said. Speaking at the PF interactiv­e forum in Lusaka yesterday, Mr Lusambo said Mr Hichilema should not think the Zambiansar­e dull and have forgotten that the money he was using to fund his political activities­was same heallegedl­y got during the privatizat­ion of state assets. He saidZambia­ns were aware of Mr Hichilema’s past activities and how he undulybene­fited from the privatizat­ion process that was aimed at benefiting all Zambians. Mr. Lusambo said, “If there were five crooks in Zambia, HH was number one” “Instead of keeping his money in the country, he decided to take it abroad, a sign that he doesn’t care for Zambians,” he said. Mr Lusambo also accused the UPND members of parliament of being cowards who were only in Parliament to propagate Mr Hakainde selfish political gains. He said the only time the UPND MPs agree with the PF Government was when parliament was considerin­g the CDF allocation. “When it’s time for CDF, the UPND MPs are a darling to the PF Government because they know that President Edgar Lungu is the only custodian of the money and the Constituti­on of Zambia,’ he said. He said Hichilema was not only a tribalistb­ut also a dictator who had now gone to bed with Chishimba Kambwili. Mr Lusambo said the people of Zambia believe in the ballot and not other means the opposition wanted to use to ascend to power, He said the people of Zambia were peaceful people and will not allow foreign sponsored opposition to bring confusion in the country. Mr Lusambo said the of Zambia were going to return the PF government next year because the party under the leadership of President Edgar Lungu had embarked on a developmen­t path aimed at bettering the lives of all Zambians.

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Mr Lusambo

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