Daily Nation Newspaper

Ex-miners challenge UPND


THE opposition UPND should not panic if it not involved in gassing innocent citizens, Ex- miners Patron Gift Mushinge has said.

Mr Mushinge said there was no reason for the UPND to panic and warn Government that the whole UPND would rise if Hakainde Hichilema was arrested.

He said in an interview in Kitwe that the conduct by the UPND could be likened to a guilty conscious person trying to psychologi­cally prepare the minds of Zambians of his arrest. “When the gassing just started, UPND were mute, they were quiet. They could not say anything, but now that they have heard that Government is closing on the suspects and some people have been arrested, they are panicking

“Yes, panicking and saying all sorts of things like the whole thing is aimed at arresting Mr Hakainde Hicilema. Yes, if he is connected or linked to gassing, he will be arrested, just like anybody who will be found linked to gassing will be arrested. So no need to panic if their hands are clean,” Mr Mushinge said

And Mr Mushinge has said UPND was a heartless political party which has resorted to propaganda smear campaign.

He accused UPND of trying to incite citizens to rise against the Government and create confusion in the country “It is really sad that in Zambia, we have an opposition which rejoices in the sufferings of the people, hoping that if the people suffer, then they will turn against the Government. When they turn against Government, then they will have an opportunit­y to win an election “In other countries, the opposition will showcase their leadership skills by providing solutions to the challenges the country is facing, but here we have arrogant and disrespect­ful opposition leaders who support acts of terrorism. This is not good leadership,’’ he added.

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