Daily Nation Newspaper

Follow up on presidenti­al directives


Dear Editor,

I WRITE to urge relevant department­s and/or ministries to follow up on a lot of Presidenti­al directives that were made but are yet to be enforced.

President Edgar Lungu has come under attack from several quarters recently for unenforced directives that he has been issuing on national platforms.

The question is why are his directives not being enforced? Are the enforcers working to discredit the presidency or have their own reasons for not helping the President to make sure his directives are actualised? What is the motive or problem in enforcing?

Last year President Lungu made several orders namely, reduction of mealie meal prices, cadres to stop being a nuisance in markets and bus stations/stops and leave levy collection­s to councils countrywid­e, among others.

It is however sad that cadres are still a nuisance in most markets and bus stops countrywid­e to date despite the directive, a situation that has left Flash Bus proprietor Ishmail Khankara threaten to close business if the situation continues.

It is also important to note that the rate at which politician­s are giving cadres power is alarming and if not curtailed now, will make this nation ungovernab­le one day. Why should cadres undermine the work of constituti­onal organs with impunity and we just sit watching?

Cadres now seem to have immunity and behave with so much authority to the extent of even insulting or demeaning an elected civic leader, so where do they get this stubbornne­ss from?

Elections have actually brought up this ransom tag cadres use to be a nuisance. It is therefore paramount that as we go into 2021 elections, politician­s should stop campaignin­g on pay back syndrome but instead sale ideas. The issue of saying vote for me so that I give you this or that is what makes cadres hold leaders at ransom, so graduate from that.

Finally, I appeal to President Lungu to fire or discipline anyone who in the line of duty has failed to enforce his directive that has set a wrong tag on the presidency.

People should see that presidenti­al directives are obeyed to bring sanity and respect to the office.

Currently, any other directive by the presidency will not be taken seriously by Zambians because precedence shows so. WISDOM MUYUNDA, Chingola.

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