Daily Nation Newspaper

Promote winter maize - expert


GOVERNMENT should support growing of winter maize to be an all-year programme to curtail skyrocketi­ng of mealie meal prices, Seed Control and Certificat­ion Institute (SCCI) seed analyst Dennis Tonga has advised. In an interview, Mr. Tonga said there is need to step-up growing of winter maize throughout the year to curb mealie meal shortage.

He said Government should support and encourage farmers to grow maize throughout the year as it will enhance Zambia’s food security.

“Farmers should be encouraged to grow winter maize as it is the surest way of ensuring that the country has enough grain throughout the year and this means that maize and mealie meal prices will be stable throughout,” Mr. Tonga said.

He said growing winter maize will enable Zambia have enough stock and export the surplus to neighbouri­ng countries, thereby attracting foreign exchange.

Mr. Tonga said winter maize growing only requires simple irrigation technology and that Zambia has enough water sources that can support winter farming.

He urged commercial farmers to take a lead in ensuring that winter farming is fully exploited.

“Winter maize growing can fetch farmers a good fortune especially if we can grow enough for household consumptio­n and the surplus for export,” he said. Mr. Tonga said there is need for government to ensure more farmers are encouraged to engage in winter maize growing.

“There is ready market for winter grain like this time. Neighbouri­ng countries like Tanzania, Kenya, Zimbabwe and others are in need of grain and if we had enough as a country then we could export and attract foreign exchange,” he said.

And Mr Tonga has encouraged farmers to take advantage of government’s favourable agricultur­e policies to expand their farming activities.

He said if fully developed agricultur­e can contribute to national developmen­t hence the need for farmers to take it seriously.

“Agricultur­e can overturn the national economic outlook and therefore there is need for farmers to take it seriously and use all the available necessary technologi­es,” Mr. Tonga added.

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