Daily Nation Newspaper

‘UPND plotting to dethrone Chitimukul­u’


BEMBA chiefs have accused UPND of planning to dethrone Henry Kanyanta Sosala as Chitimukul­u if they form Government in 2021.

BEMBA chiefs have accused UPND of planning to dethrone Henry Kanyanta Sosala as Chitimukul­u if they form Government in 2021. This follows continued attacks on Paramount Chief Chitimukul­u by UPND deputy secretary general, Patrick Mucheleka. In a statement signed by chiefs Mumporokos­o, Mukwikile, Shibwalyak­apila, Mubanga, Chipalo, Luchembe and Chikwanda, the traditiona­l leaders said the continued attacks by a senior member of the UPND confirmed that the party intended to dispose Henry Kanyanta Sosala as Chitimukul­u in 2021. “We wish to make it clear that we are now fed up with the utterances and all demeaning remarks by one of your senior members of the UPND management committee. Mr. Mucheleka on the radio station each time he visits Kasama. These continuous attacks on radio by your senior member confirms what appeared in the Daily Nation paper of 16th October 2018, under the heading, ‘opposition intends to dispose Henry Kanyanta Sosala as Chitimukul­u in 2021’,” the statement read in part. The chiefs, who outlined Paramount Chitimukul­u’s lineage threatened to call for llamfya, the Bemba Supreme Council and inform them of UPND’s intention to destroy the Bemba tribe when they come into power. “When you fight the Paramount Chief, you fight the entire Bemba tribe, we are therefore capable of instructin­g all our village headmen to explain to the people of your ill intentions. So, stop it!,” they said. The chiefs observed that the UPND intentions were to divide the country and that they do not mean well for Zambia. They pointed out that after the 2016 presidenti­al and general elections, Bembas in Namwala were mistreated and the UPND remained mute over the issue. “Slowly we turn to believe that this could be your deliberate policy!,” the chiefs stated. The chiefs expressed disappoint­ment that the UPND management committee where Mr. Mucheleka sits, truly supports attacks on Paramount Chief Chitimukul­u and Bembas. They however said whatever hidden agenda the UPND had could never be realised in any way. The traditiona­l leaders also urged UPND to cage and tame Mr Mucheleka.

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