Daily Nation Newspaper

2 coronaviru­s cases reported at WHO Hq


GENEVA - Two cases of COVID-19 have been registered at the World Health Organisati­on headquarte­rs, a spokesman said yesterday.

The WHO, based in the Swiss city of Geneva, is coordinati­ng the internatio­nal response to the new coronaviru­s pandemic, which has infected more than 180, 000 people and killed more than 7, 000 across 145 countries.

“We do have two staff confirmed with symptoms of COVID-19,” spokesman Christian Lindmeier told reporters at a virtual press conference. “This was last week, Friday and Thursday. They both have gone home. They have self-isolated. They showed symptoms.

“Colleagues in the office have been checked and we’re waiting for further informatio­n on those. Everything so far seems OK with them.

He said all but essential staff were working remotely.

The WHO has started doing only virtual press conference­s to brief on developmen­ts with the pandemics, with journalist­s barred from attending in person.

The WHO called on all countries to ramp up testing programs as the best way to slow the advance of the pandemic. “We have a simple message to all countries - test, test, test,” WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s told a news conference in Geneva. “All countries should be able to test all suspected cases. They cannot fight this pandemic blindfolde­d.”

Infections in Switzerlan­d jumped on Sunday by nearly 1, 000 cases in 24 hours to 2, 200 and 14 deaths were recorded from the virus across the wealthy Alpine country

In Italy, another 349 people died on Monday, taking the total to 2, 158, with nearly 28, 000 cases, after 368 deaths were reported on Sunday, a daily toll more dire than even China was reporting at the peak of the outbreak.

Several countries banned mass gatherings such as sports, cultural and religious events to combat the fast-spreading respirator­y disease.

Spain and France, where cases and fatalities have begun surging at a pace just days behind that of Italy, imposed severe lockdowns over the weekend. The Middle East business and travel hub of Dubai said it was closing all bars and lounges until the end of March. Thailand plans to close schools, bars, movie theaters and popular cockfighti­ng arenas.

Public health experts in the United States and elsewhere are hoping the measures will help spread out the number of new cases over time so as not to overwhelm hospitals and healthcare systems as has happened in Italy. – AFP/ REUTERS.

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