Daily Nation Newspaper




Mine Workers Union of Zambia (MUZ) has complained to Government and asked for interventi­on in the terminatio­n of contracts for two contractor­s by Lubambe Copper Mines, resulting in more than 400 job losses.

MUZ complained yesterday that about 425 jobs have been lost following the decision by the Chililabom­bwe-based mine terminatin­g contracts for two contractor­s.

MUZ president Joseph Chewe said the mine had terminated one contractor with 100 workers because the contract had come to an end while the other contractor with 325 workers terminatio­n was based on commercial, and performanc­e.

Mr Chewe said it was dishearten­ing on how mining firms were terminatin­g contracts thereby sending many workers in destitutio­n.

He said in an interview yesterday, there was need for the Ministry of Mines and Mineral

Developmen­t to look into the matter so that the situation was stopped.

It is important that Government take keen interest in this matter so that all these happenings end, Mr Chewe said.

It dishearten­ing, he said, that mining firms could just wake up and terminate contracts without thinking of the plight of the workers.

Workers were being subjected to abject poverty due to the selfish decision being exhibited by the mines, Mr Chewe said.

He said the situation was a source of concern which must be resolved by Government to protect the interest of Zambians.

"We engaged Lubambe but nothing tangible is coming out. We want to ensure that the job losses are averted because we are talking about 425 people being thrown on the street.

Government must take keen interest on this matter so that jobs are secured.

The manner contracts are being terminated is worrying, Mr Chewe said.

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