Daily Nation Newspaper

Industrial yards on course


yards in the LS- Works are going

ly produced products such

of and the contractor

as chemicals to assist with industrial yards in the on site.

THE Covid-19 has awakcovid-19 response,” she

Lusaka South Multi- “Once that ened the pre-existing said in an interview.

Facility Economic done, we will manufactur­ers skills Ms Zulu stressed the

Zone (LS-MFEZ) to see SMEs which were under-utineed for strong manufac

which will boost local the zone and lised, thereby creating a turing base which would

participat­ion in the from there,” Mr strong manufactur­ing ensure that value addition

area is expected to said. base which is cardinal to underpinne­d the growth

be completed in the He also observed achieving a positive ecoof the economy.

next 12 months. the need to increase nomic performanc­e post ZAM, she said, wel

Participat­ion incentives to the pandemic. comed the opportuni

of local investors willing to invest

Zambia Associatio­n ties that had arisen due

in the economic the zone. Mr

of Manufactur­ers (ZAM) to Covid-19 adding that

zone is currently expressed concern

vice president for South, members had actively

low due to, among that Zambia had

Chipego Zulu, said manubeen involved in the fight

other reasons, the competitio­n from

facturers had shown resilagain­st Covid-19.

minimum investment countries such

ience during the pandemShe said ZAM had con

of US$500,000 which Rwanda, Kenya,

ic as indicated by their tinued to encourage its

some locals say is Egypt, South

efforts to produce needed members not to continue

prohibitiv­e. Mozambique

equipment to fight the looking at the covid-19

LS-MFEZ Business Zimbabwe that

disease. pandemic as a challenge,

Developmen­t better incentives.

Ms Zulu, also ZAM but harness new oppor

Manager, Francis Mr Kunda said

spokespers­on, explained tunities and to explore in

Kunda, said minimum US$

that the resilience by novation that would assist

constructi­on works of 000 investment

manufactur­es had creatin response and creating

the industrial yards investors to qualify

ed a strong base which a strong manufactur­ing

were currently on available incentives

remained cardinal in enbase.

course. was a limiting

suring a quick economic “To look at the Zambi

Mr Kunda local businesses.

recovery from Covid-19 an history, manufactur­ing

explained that the however said

as well as a strong perforhas always been at the

industrial yards, had been lobbying

mance in 2021 and becentre of the economy

once completed, its parent Ministry

yond. and value addition has

would boost local Commerce Trade

“In a number of sectors, been counted as neces

participat­ion in the Industry which

manufactur­ers have really sary to achieving sustain

economic zones. talking to Ministry

come to the fore and have able developmen­t that is

He explained in Finance to improve

demonstrat­ed their capainclus­ive.

an interview that incentives.

bilities which has always Ms Zulu said ZAM investors

the industrial yards “For pre-existing but has been would therefore enable small welcomed qualify, Presone has under-utlised. and medium ident Edgar sized Lungu’s invest comminimum

“So Covid-19 has ilentrepre­neurs mitment to set build a US$500,000 strong lustrated need for up a businesses manufactur­ing in the base. some of the local strong manufactur­ing zone. She said ZAM also investors welthat base and manufactur­es “That come one is the on the various limiting meafactor. have shown their resiltable sures and we that have had been you taken invest less ience in the midst of this Citizen so Economic far to ensure that S$500, this 000 you pandemic to supply localand Empowermen­t was actualised. not be entitled Commission who are incentives,” Mr constructi­ng industrial said.

bilities and experience. In the same vein, banks shall inform customers on the importance of providing their banks with relevant, accurate and available informatio­n.

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