Daily Nation Newspaper

‘Opposition Alliance is UPND’s scheme to prop up HH’


PLANS by the opposition alliance to field a single Presidenti­al candidate for 2021 polls is a farce as it is UPND’s disguised scheme to ride on other opposition leaders in an effort to prop up their sole presidenti­al candidate, opposition parties and non-government­al organizati­ons have observed. The stakeholde­rs said they were alive to the fact that the UPND leader, Hakainde Hichilema was UPND’s sole presidenti­al candidate for 2021 polls, and cannot form an alliance with any opposition leader who does dot pander to his whims or stoop to his selfish interests. This is according to join statement signed by Zambian DNA, Media Election Monitoring Project (MEMP), Battle Cry Zambia, Network for Young People against Violence, Movement for Economic Empowermen­t and Democracy (MEED), New Congress Party ( NCP ), Zambia Republican Party ( ZRP ) and Citizens Democratic Party (CDP). The concerned parties said Zambians in their collective intelligen­ce would not relegate the mandate to govern them to the so-called opposition alliance leaders as they had nothing to offer the Zambian people except that they were vindictive and power hungry. “Zambians will recall that opposition political alliances in Zambia have never worked as they are premised on a selfish agenda to remove those in power and not to improve the people’s welfare. “Therefore, the opposition’s attempt to “cut, copy and paste “the Malawian election formula is null and void as it is not applicable to the Zambian scenario,” they said. The stakeholde­rs advised the opposition alliance partners not to allow UPND to use them as ladders or stepping stones for propping up their sole presidenti­al candidate for the 2021 polls. “In the same vein, we appeal to the Zambian people to remain in their alliance with President Edgar Chagwa Lungu who means well for the country and continues to roll out all inclusive developmen­t that leaves no one behind. “We are confident that the Zambian people will renew President Lungu’s mandate to govern the nation given his “tried, tested and trusted “leadership qualities,” they said.

Zambians will recall that opposition political alliances in Zambia have never worked as they are premised on a selfish agenda to remove those in power and not to improve the people’s welfare.”

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