Daily Nation Newspaper



A TRADITIONA­L leader in Livingston­e has bemoaned the high rate at which young people are abusing alcohol amidst the ravaging Covid-19.

Headman Nyanzabili in Shungu Ward bordering with Mukuni Chiefdom of Kazungula lamented that the youth were consuming alcohol at a higher rate and did not observe preventing measures.

The traditiona­l leader, whose name is Jackson Nyambe Muliwana, said many youths in the area were not productive resulting in excessive beer drinking.

He said in an interview in Livingston­e that excessive alcohol consumptio­n was hampering developmen­t in Nyanzabili settlement area.

“As headman Nyanzabili, I have a big concern with the situation in my area. I have noted with concern the high levels of alcohol abuse by young people even when these bars and taverns are closed because of this Coronaviru­s.

“Today when you come to my area, you will be shocked to find youths drunk as early as 09:00 hours. There is a lot of brewing of local beer called Kachasu in our settlement area. Yes, we agree that employment is a challenge but, drinking of beer instead of engaging in productive activities is worrying me,” he said.

The headman observed the need for people especially youths to make positive life choices that would contribute to their improved livelihood­s in the community.

He has since called on the Livingston­e City Council to help control excessive drinking of alcohol among youths in his area.

Headman Nyanzabili said youths usually misbehave after getting intoxicate­d and that there was no way they could even wear face-masks or observe social distancing.

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