Daily Nation Newspaper

State closes its case in Mushipe’s seditious trial


THE state has closed its case in the matter where Lusaka lawyer, Martha Mushipe, is charged with seditious practices.

When the matter came for continuati­on of trial, the state informed Magistrate Felix Kaoma that it had closed its case.

Mr Kaoma has since set August 28, this year for submission of argument and thereafter a ruling on the case to answer would be made.

In this matter, Mushipe is alleged to have had in her possession seditious material between July 1, 2015 and April 11, 2016 in Lusaka.

The material was code maned, “Strategy of domination, PF against opposition UPND 2015, 2016 and beyond-UPND at crossroads transition or conflict / PF’s use of ethnic divide and rules as a means of maintainin­g political control in Zambia 2015-2016 and beyond.”

During trial for one of the state witnesses, Bernard Phiri, a police officer testified that Mushipe and other UPND members formed a crack squad whose objective was to cause violence against the State and citizens ahead of the 2016 elections.

He also testified that a meeting was held at Mushipe’s law firm in Lusaka to the plan and was attended by UPND members who included, Clayson Hamasaka, Emmanuel Chilekwa and Ephraim Shakafuswa.

The court also heard how Ms Mushipe, code named C-zero prepared an oath of secrecy which was administer­ed to those in attendance as a commitment that they would not disclose what was discussed to anyone.

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