Daily Nation Newspaper




residents have been urged not to panic but strictly adhere to Covid-19 health guidelines following confirmati­on of 16 positive cases in the district.

District Health Director, Brian Mwachisowa, appealed to residents to strictly follow health guidelines to avoid further spread of the virus.

Dr Mwachisowa said

“Covid-19 is here and like what the President said, we must all live in the new normal. What we need is to all adhere to public health measures against the pandemic which have proved very effective,” he said.

Dr Mwachisowa said the district conducted 46 voluntary Covid-19 tests on both health staff and some members of the general public out of which 16 were confirmed positive.

He added that all the patients were in a stable condition and were under self-quarantine.

He added that health officials were already on the ground conducting contact tracing beginning with families of the patients who will in due course be tested for the virus.

Dr Mwachisowa said the district has a 20 bed capacity isolation centre at the Farmers Training Centre equipped with the basic medical tools such as oxygen concentrat­ors.

On Saturday, Ministry of Health during the daily Covid-19 update revealed that Mwinilunga had recorded the first 16 Covid-19 positive cases.

The District conducted 46 voluntary Covid-19 tests on both health staff and some members of the general public out of which 16 were confirmed positive.

 ??  ?? instead of getting into panic mode, residents should adhere to health guidelines.
He appealed to traditiona­l, civic, and religious and community leaders to help sensitise residents on the preventive measures against the pandemic.
instead of getting into panic mode, residents should adhere to health guidelines. He appealed to traditiona­l, civic, and religious and community leaders to help sensitise residents on the preventive measures against the pandemic.

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