Daily Nation Newspaper

Kambwili’s call for Bishop Banda’s resignatio­n show dictatoria­l traits


Dear Editor,

WE are concerned by the unguarded statement coming from a foul mouth and aspiring running pate to multiple losing presidenti­al candidate Hakainde Hichilema, Mr Chishimba Kambwili in which he demanded for the resignatio­n of Bishop Alick Banda.

While we sympathise with his ongoing recovery from Covid-19 virus, we do not take kindly to any comment tingling with utmost sarcasm especially if it threatens the unity of the nation.

The statement by our dear elder brother Mr Kambwili in which he is on record of having demanded for the resignatio­n of Archbishop of Lusaka Dr Alick Banda is a vindictive­ness of the possible politicisa­tion of the church bythe opposition.

We are tempted to assume that the opposition are not only intolerabl­e to divergent views but they collective­ly want to undermine the independen­ce of the church.

In our estimation, the Bishop like any other citizen of mass following is entitled to offer guidance for the flock that dearly crave for the dire parental guidance. Therefore, as unfortunat­e as it may seem, the demands from Mr Kambwili to compel the resignatio­n of the religious leader is a manifestat­ion of dictatoria­l tendencies where they can at will demand the resignatio­n of any religious leader merely for their dissenting views.

We therefore do not take pride or pleasure or pride to see respected church leaders being demeaned in the manner the unelected NDC leader is doing.

We therefore elect to stand by Dr Banda whose admirable leadership has facilitate­d the co-existence of the Catholic Church and the government.

We wish to remind Mr Kambwili that the respected leader has immense experience hence his ascendancy to the biggest religious organisati­on which is far much bigger than the political dwarf of an organisati­on calling itself NDC. It is therefore immoral for a person who despite riding on the Bemba political party has lamentably failed to beat the regional party, UPND in the northern region can stand on an anthill to throw mad at a distinguis­hed religious leader of a mass movement.

Mr Kambwili should instead find a decent way of campaignin­g for the running mate position on UPND as opposed to firing misguided missiles on wrong targets of nonpartisa­n and nonpolitic­al actors such as the clergy.

We therefore wish to denounce Mr Kambwili as we stand in solidarity with Bishop Banda who has so far earned himself an enviable reputation as a unifying factor. We also wish to assure the Bishop of our usual unflinchin­g support and he should not be moved by the foul language emerging from the venomous tongue that has fallen out of favour with the Zambian people.


Youth Rights Activist,


 ??  ?? Mr Kambwili
Mr Kambwili

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