Daily Nation Newspaper

More back Mvunga appointmen­t


ZAMBIANS should support the new Bank of Zambia (BOZ) governor Christophe­r Mvunga because his appointmen­t was made in the interest of the nation, former UPND chairman for labour, Gabriel Namulambe has said. Meanwhile, the Patriotic Front in Lusaka has said the appointmen­t of Mr Mvunga is well deserved. Lusaka District vice secretary Chikutano Nkhoma said yesterday the new Bank Governor waa very qualified for the job having worked in various portfolios both in government and the private sector . And Mr. Namulambe said the Head of State, as a person who receives informatio­n on the affairs of the country, should be supported on the decision he made because he obviously consulted widely before coming to a conclusion the same way he did when appointing the immediate past BOZ governor, Dr Denny Kalyalya. And Mr. Namulambe in an interview with the Daily Nation urged Zambians to desist from politicizi­ng every decision made by the government even on matters they didn’t understand better because such comments were not building the nation in any way. “We must not politicize the removal of Dr. Kalyalya from the BoZ because in the first place when he was being appointed by the President nobody had questioned why he was appointed. “Now at a time such as this when he has been relieved of his duties as BoZ governor I am certain that the President has many eyes, the President has many ears so for him to have reached that decision, he has made consultati­ons,” said Mr. Namulambe. Mr Namulambe, a fomer minister in the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) government, said the appointmen­t of Mr. Mvunga which was subject to scrutiny by the National Assembly should not be politicise­d but supported as pre-judgement would be unfair. Mr. Namulambe also urged those wanting to advise the President on the matter to do so in a profession­al manner instead of opposing just for the sake of it. He said the late President, Michael Sata when he was in opposition didn't politicise everything, he used to praise the then ruling MMD party when they did something for the betterment of the country. “Let us give the President support, he is the President for all of us whether we like him or not he is the President,” said Mr. Namulambe. And Mr Nkhoma noted that those that were against his appointmen­t were merely doing so for political expediency and that Mr Mvunga needed the support of all genuine Zambians . He noted that contrary to speculatio­ns that Mr Mvunga might not perform, the PF welcomed his appointmen­t and was optimistic that he was the right man for the job. " As PF Lusaka District we welcome the appointmen­t of Mr Mvunga by the President. Contrary to speculatio­n that he might not perform, we are confident that he will perform to expectatio­ns having served different institutio­ns including his previous post prior to his appointmen­t where he was Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet finance and economic affairs, where he was also looking at the affairs of the Bank of Zambia," Mr Nkhoma said . “So all those saying that Mr Mvunga was not qualified, tough luck to them because the man is equal to the task,” he said.

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