Daily Nation Newspaper

Mulobezi traders get new shelter


MULOBEZI Town Council has handed over an ablution block to

marketeers which was constructe­d under capital investment.

This is in the local authority’s quest to improve proper hygiene in the district and to curb diseases that come with poor sanitation.

Council Public Relations Officer, Elvis Muleya, told the Daily Nation that the local authority was committed to improving trading places.

Mr Muleya said that the council had developed a deliberate programme to improve water and sanitation in the district.

“Our aim is to make sure that we lead the way in promoting proper sanitation and constructi­ng of proper toilet facilities.

“We just handed over another ablution block to management at Sichili Secondary School a few months ago in our con- tinued efforts to promote good sanitation in the district,” he said.

Mr Muleya stressed that the local authority was working around the clock to identify the needs of the people and help mitigate the challenges.

“We therefore, request the members of the public to guard jealously these facilities so that they can last long. That is the only way they can help us serve them better.

“We will preach the message even to individual­s so that everyone must take the mantle and play a role in promoting proper hygiene standards. Every household, business entity or institutio­n must have a proper toilet facility, that is our message,” Mr Muleya said.

The council, he said, would continue to engage in ventures that would help foster developmen­t, improve service delivery and see to it that people received the much needed services.

“As a local authority, we are determined to see to it that we improve the living standards of the people in the district by all means and we will engage in every venture available to make sure that we have enough resources to be able to de-liver services to public,” he said.

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