Daily Nation Newspaper

We need more role models in politics


Dear Editor,

IN Zambia, it is very difficult to find a role model in politics. If we call ourselves modern politician­s, there are better options for us and we would do well to put these into practice so that we leave a better Zambia for those aspiring to be politician­s.

We affirm, as we have done before, that political leaders are cardinal in changing the mindset of the followers to see that violence does not pay.

Instead the political leaders should push for co – existence, which should pervade every level in democratic society. We believe that though members of the political parties have opposite views on issues that should only be for the stage.

Zambia has been known as a peaceful country. Therefore, as peace- loving citizens it is our duty to protect our image by ensuring that we refrain from violent activities and maintain the peace that we have continued to enjoy.

It is worth noting that political violence will not help our nation to develop. We must as a people, come together in harmony and find meaningful solutions to the problems we are facing.

I wish to mention that the brutal killing of each other is very unfortunat­e and deserves to be condemned by all Zambians.

The ruling party members and the opposition should sit down to have a cup of tea. In this way, political leaders will set a good example to their followers, we need to clean politics in Zambia especially in the 21st century.

Good leaders inspire and motivate people. Leaders stand for something far greater than themselves, they promote people, equality, positive change and good values.

That’s why the government needs to help the people build resilience to cope with the responsibi­lities of leadership in later life by ensuring that many young people are trained for key government positions.

I urge the young Zambians to start participat­ing in the governance of our country as leadership is about influence and helping others to achieve their dreams.

It’s high time the young people start providing informatio­n that influence government decisions on the challenges that young people are facing.

I can give the example of the politician­s who started politics at a young age. These are Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, Dora Siliya, George Chilumanda, Judith Kapijimpan­ga, Vernon Mwanga, Richard Kazala, Christophe­r Kango’mbe, Bowman Lusambo, Kampamba Chewe, and Stephen Masumba.

Lastly, we still need more young people to join the political arena so that they contribute to national developmen­t.

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