Daily Nation Newspaper


- Dear Editor, WISDOM MUYUNDA, Chingola.

I WRITE to urge our politician­s and the general populace to change our mindset and aspire to co-exist as the nation heads to the 2021 general elections.

Let us know that politics is about service not about life and death. The country is embroiled in a lot of political confrontat­ions ignited by various political media personnel playing the “I know it all” game of words.

Not until as a nation we change our mindset on politics, such media personnel have the potential to put this nation on fire not for the sake of service to this nation but for their own selfish agenda.

Why can't we emulate the way Americans are doing their politics where despite there being heated rivalry ahead of next month’s elections Trump and the opposition's campaign teams clash not for bodily harm but for solutions to the current situation.

Why if we really call ourselves a democratic nation should we advance political brutality at the expense of political answers that people need to hear on the way forward?

Media houses have also been victimised by cadres who are sent many times to disrupt live radio programmes and yet we claim not only to be a democratic but a Christian nation as well.

All these bad political vices are happening because political heavyweigh­ts are using money to induce illiterate cadres to advance their personal agendas against the national agenda, which should not be the case.

Donald Trump, Joe Biden and the Americans are not shedding blood against one another because their mindset is fine tuned to service delivery for the Americans and not for political power, hence we see their campaigns to be peaceful.

We can equally do it if only we remove the "I" and replace it with "WE," to mean us as a nation.

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