Daily Nation Newspaper

Covid-19 cases in L/stone reduce


THE district administra­tion in Livingston­e has expressed happiness with the way residents are responding to the Covid-19 health guidelines.

Livingston­e District Commission­er, Pascalina Musokotwan­e, said unlike in the past, the people in the tourist capital were complying with the guidelines.

Ms Musokotwan­e said, as a result, the district has recorded a reduction in the number of cases as seen in the past few weeks.

She explained that before then, residents had dropped the guard in wearing face masks, sanitizing, washing hands and observing social distancing.

The DC was speaking in Livingston­e.

“The district is calm apart from the usual pandemic we are facing, the past few weeks, we were badly hit but we have managed to control the situation

“The numbers have reduced in the last few weeks and so far so good. Our people are adhering to the guidelines and travellers are being told on how they are supposed to look after themselves, Livingston­e being a Tourist Capital,” she said.

Ms Musokotwan­e expressed optimistic that if the trend would continue, the pandemic would be brought to an end in the tourist capital.

GENEVA - The World Health Organisati­on’s vaccine experts were yesterday deciding on their usage recommenda­tions for the AstraZenec­a-Oxford Covid-19 vaccine - including for older adults.

The 15-member Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunisati­on (SAGE) was spending the day in a virtual extraordin­ary meeting discussing the two-shot vaccine.

The WHO said the recommenda­tions on who it should and should not be used for would be made public later this week.

The regulatory authoritie­s in several European nations have not authorised the vaccine for use among the over-65s - by far the most vulnerable age group for serious Covid-19 disease.

According to the

SAGE meeting’s agenda, “assessment of the critical evidence, including data and draft recommenda­tions related to vaccine use in older adults” will form a key part of yesterday’s talks. – AFP.

 ??  ?? Ms Musokotwan­e
Ms Musokotwan­e

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