Daily Nation Newspaper


- Dear Editor, MARVIN CHANDA MBERI, Lusaka.

WE have consistent­ly pointed at the pitfalls in the eleventh hour which seemingly has ushered a new era of autocracy in the UPND presidency.

We feel that if UPND was a popular organisati­on, there is no way the position of its presidency would have gone unopposed, it would have been up for grabs.

We are now convinced that the UPND had created the environmen­t to legitimise unopposed candidacy way before by expelling key potential contenders such as the two former vice presidents; Mr Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba and Dr Canisius Banda.

The two were hounded out from the party and we believe it could be that they had the numbers on their side to terminate the life presidency of the five-time losing presidenti­al candidate, Mr Hakainde Hichilema.

Having Mr Hichilema going as an unopposed candidate raises two possibilit­ies; either the party has stunted growth or the party has personalis­ed the top job to a single individual who rose to the leadership with hands tainted with tribalism, violence and intimidati­on of the opponents.

By embracing processes which are alien to the tenets of our cherished democratic principles, Mr Hichilema has rigged its convention, its procession­s are highly trickery as he has ushered in the National Management Committee which is answerable to him and not to the general membership.

With such organisati­onal discrepanc­y, it is very likely that if elected Republican President, his primary task evidently is likely to weaken the institutio­ns of government and make them amenable to him.

His conduct as UPND President is not consistent with his promise to run an accountabl­e government.

For instance, the recent revelation­s that Mr Hichilema will have the sole prerogativ­e about 30 members (proportion­ally 30 percent (to be nominated in the national management committee who will rank parri passu with elected members is evident that he has despotic powers at the helm of the party.

It is inappropri­ate in comparison with the practice of the Republican President to nominate eight members of Parliament (equivalent to the eight percent compositio­n of the plenary body of Parliament).

On the other hand, we note that the convention was held on a Sunday and this is the apprehensi­on of business to the Sunday church goers.

They have also clearly shown that their membership is mostly by those from the named religious grouping by holding on the day that is convenient to them.

This is a team of blunt politicall­y dishonest people who have no shame putting it in the faces of the people that it doesn’t matter how they get to the top as long as one Mr Hichilema is the subject.

This is a classic political manouvre that has nailed them to a tree of political defeat.

As regards Mr Hichilema going unopposed, it is our considered view that this is evident that the UPND has remained unattracti­ve to the people of Zambia.

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