Daily Nation Newspaper

Citizens should vote wisely

- Dear Editor,

UNITED for Better Zambia (UBZ) president Hector Soondo is calling for Zambians to vote wisely and not experiment the governing board.

As Zambia is heading towards the August 12 general elections this year, we the UBZ party is making an appeal to citizens to vote wisely.

Trial and error should not be the case. Zambians should not be cheated that the change of government of any kind will change this nation but instead things will be worse.

We have seen how the PF regime has tried to improve this nation by implementi­ng many projects to better the face of this nation.

Today as we speak, we can see roads, schools, hospitals and many other more things of developmen­t that PF has brought to this nation.

What PF started was to change the face of the country so that we can have modern developmen­t which can put this country on the world map.

Today, Zambia looks good like other countries compared to the way it was.

During 2013, 2014, the late President Michael Chilufya Sata called and appealed to Zambians to tighten up the belts has he called for the building of this nation by infrastruc­ture developmen­t.

Zambians agreed with Mr Sata to build this nation even after he told them that he will put more money in their pockets.

We all know that it not easy to keep money in the pocket as you are building the future, during that time the fact is that people spend more than the income.

As UBZ we want to remind Zambians that time is now to remember the few things that PF has done.

An example is people of

Western Province from Mongu to Kalabo. It took two weeks to travel from Mongu to Kalabo but today with the modern road it’s only 25 minutes movement which is a plus to the nation’s developmen­t and I don’t see the reason people are still fighting such developmen­t.

As UBZ after a long meeting with the Republic President on national matters, we concluded that PF has almost concluded its first promise of creating infrastruc­ture and now it is starting the second wave of job creation and more money in people’s pockets.

The PF government with the adoption of UBZ manifesto and other manifestoe­s of progressiv­e political parties will be at work to better the lives of citizens.

If PF as a Government has managed to build this nation what will make them to fail to create employment just like other political parties are saying because for them they have already what it takes to implement.

Therefore as UBZ, we are calling on Zambians to vote wisely, you can’t count on the bird which is in the sky and not the one you have in your hands.

HECTOR SOONDO, United for Better Zambia.

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