Daily Nation Newspaper



THERE is urgent need to increase the capacity of civil servants to efficientl­y deliver services to the citizens, says North-Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu.

Mr Mubukwanu noted that the civil service was the engine of any service delivery, which required requisite support and motivation.

He, therefore, said the human resource functions delegated to the provincial committee had greatly helped to address the challenges such as staff confirmati­ons and transfers among civils ervants.

“We are happy to say from the time the committee was formed, 215 cases of confirmati­ons have been dealt with and this is a positive result for us as a province and we are proud of it,” he said.

Mr Mubukwanu appealed to the Civil Service Commission to consider devolving additional functions to the provincial committee.

He said the provincial committee was capable of handling any case as can be seen from the timely response in handling people’s concerns.

“I think the more responsibi­lities we are given, the more answerable we are going to be to the needs of the people we are mandated to serve,” he said.

Mr Mubukwanu said this in Solwezi on Tuesday when Civil Service Commission vice chairperso­n, Hillary Chipango, called on him.

Mr Chipango is leading a delegation of commission­ers to monitor and evaluate progress on the delegated human resources management functions.

And Mr Chipango said the delegation of functions resonated very well with public service values and principles that required prompt and efficient responses to people’s needs. -

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