Daily Nation Newspaper

‘Aspiring candidates need guidance’


THE PF leadership should guide aspiring candidates to stop giving money to woo supporters because some candidates misunderst­ood President Edgar Lungu’s decision to allow them sell themselves to electorate­s, a Mandevu PF official, Lemmy Bwalya has said.

Mr Bwalya, said flashing money had the potential to divide party structures and could result in members defecting to the opposition or to contest elections as independen­t candidates.

“Having been in the party since inception, I have never seen what is happening now, money exchanging hands between some aspirants and electorate­s in this manner,” he said.

Some officials feel that the move would lead to the shrinking of the democratic space in the party and divisions if not quickly curtailed.

Some aspiring candidates were reported to have been giving electorate­s K500 each for attending their political activities. Mr Bwalya said currently, structures could not convene meetings as each official was busy campaignin­g for their preferable candidates, leaving offices closed.

He observed some that aspiring candidates were only busy flashing bank notes in the name of empowermen­t instead of telling electorate­s what they intend to do if given chance.

Mr Bwalya said at the rate some aspiring candidates were going, they would be frustrated when left out during adoptions and would want to hit back at the party by defecting with their supporters.

“Otherwise, it will be very unfortunat­e for us when some of these candidates begin leaving our party with our members,” he said.

Mr Bwalya said it was important for all members to treat sensitive matters of concern with the aggressive­ness they deserve.

He said with the polls nearing under a controvers­ial 50+1 percent threshold for the winning President, it was important for members to work in unison.

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