Daily Nation Newspaper

AU to set up infrastruc­ture fund for continent


NAIROBI - The African Union is setting up a fund to finance the constructi­on of much-needed roads, railways and power plants on the continent, its infrastruc­ture head said, turning to new sources of cash due to donor fatigue and higher debt levels.

Africa has an estimated annual infrastruc­ture financing deficit of $60 billion-$90 billion, the AU says, making it hard for the body to advance its goal of integratin­g the disparate individual markets into a single, free trade area.

“Africa is financiall­y starved as far as the need for infrastruc­ture developmen­t is concerned,” Raila Odinga, who is the AU’s high representa­tive for infrastruc­ture, said in an interview.

The 55-nation AU is now turning to sovereign wealth funds, insurance and retirement funds in countries like South Africa, Angola, Nigeria Morocco, Egypt and Kenya,

to raise the cash.

The funds will be invited to invest about five percent of their holdings, Odinga said, “which is actually going to be more lucrative for those institutio­ns, rather than having funds lie idle.”

Talks with the funds are going on and the AU’s experts are setting up the legal and financial structure for the infrastruc­ture fund, which will be administer­ed by the newly formed African Union Developmen­t Agency, Odinga said.

The move bucks the past trend of dependence on wealthy donor nations and borrowing from financial markets.

China, which has been one of the biggest funders of

infrastruc­ture projects on the continent over the past decade, has cut back on lending due to high debt levels among individual nations like Kenya.

“We are now trying to think out of the box,” Odinga said.

The drive to find new ways of funding the constructi­on of roads and railways and other utilities comes as Africa seeks to bring together 1.3 billion people in a $3.4 trillion economic bloc known as the African Continenta­l Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

“This infrastruc­ture is urgent for the realisatio­n of the AfCFTA, otherwise it is just going to remain on paper,” Odinga said. – REUTERS.

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