Daily Nation Newspaper

‘Hold on to your faith amidst Covid-19’


THE Catholic Church has implored Christians to continue holding on to their faith in the wake of the heightened Covid-19 to see the hand of God at work as the country continues the battle against the pandemic.

Archbishop of Lusaka, Dr. Alick Banda has urged Christians to pray for God’s interventi­on against the Covid-19 pandemic.

He said the pandemic has had a toll on every Christian with its multifacet­ed effects which he noted could easily weaken the Christian faith.

Archbishop Banda said people throughout the world are gripped with the anxiety of contractin­g the virus, the trauma of going through a life-threatenin­g illness, and the pain of losing loved ones to the pandemic hence the need to seek the face of God.

“The pandemic is not only a public health hazard but also an economic disaster and a political issue with far-reaching consequenc­es on humanity, he said

Archbishop Banda said this in his Lenten Season message based on the book of Mark 4:38 which reads in part “Lord don’t you care that we are perishing?”

He said the Lenten Season is a period of intense prayer, a time of fasting, and an occasion of almsgiving to the needy.

Archbishop Banda however said the Lenten season comes in the middle of the second wave of Covid-19 with high infections and mortality rate among the people.

He urged Zambians to continue praying for all the frontline workers, medical staff, and scientists that have dedicated their time to find a cure.

And Archbishop Banda said the Lenten fund would go towards helping health facilities in the fight against Covid-19 as he assured the families that have lost their loved ones to the pandemic of prayers of comfort as they cope with the loss.

He has stressed the need for Zambians to adhere to the five golden rules on Covid-19 prevention set out by the Ministry of Health and to seek medical attention and guidance in good time.

 ??  ?? Archbishop Banda
Archbishop Banda

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