Daily Nation Newspaper



THE August elections will be about reclaiming the wealth and minerals the country has lost through the exploited privatizat­ion prorgramme, Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) president Andrew Ntewewe has said.

Mr Ntewewe said the elections should help Zambians continue on a path of reclaiming their lost glory as attested through the placing of KCM and Mopani Copper Mines in hands of citizens.

He said in an interview that failure to make the right decision would be tantamount to allowing the imperialis­ts to come back and take over the mines which the nation was fighting to reclaim.

Mr Ntewewe said national assets which were sold in

the 1990s were stolen from the Zambian people and that there was need for the perpetrato­rs of the ‘heinous’ crime to be brought to book.

He said Zambians have to decide in the August elections whether they would take possession of the mines and save jobs or bring in an individual who would hand them over to the imperialis­ts.

Mr Ntewewe said the August election would be about reclaiming the lost wealth and ensuring the stooges of white monopoly capital do not come and take over key assets of the country.

“The August elections must set a landmark for the entire continent of Africa that Africans and Zambians in particular have woken up and will not be swindled by the imperialis­t who took advantage of us in the 1990s. We also want those assets to be given back to Zambians,” he said.

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Mr Ntewewe

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