Daily Nation Newspaper



He said the constituti­on court in the Dan Pule and others case on President Edgar Lungu's eligibilit­y adequately interprete­d the law in the same way that the Tanzanian constituti­on envisaged.

"The Constituti­onal Court was on firm grounds in the case of Dan Pule and others in the eligibilit­y case," Mr Zimba said.

He said in as much as the Tanzanian constituti­on provisions are not the same as that of the Zambian provisions the effects were the same.

"What is in the Tanzanian constituti­on is similar to the Zambian provisions the effects were the same," he said.

Mr Zimba said like President Lungu did not serve a full term because he served less than three years which does not constitute a term while in the Tanzanian case, Ms Hassan would serve a term because she has more than 4 years to serve, which automatica­lly is above the three year threshold.

He said it was unfortunat­e Lusaka Lawyer John Sangwa had continued to mislead the public over the eligibilit­y case when the constituti­onal court had adquately addressed the matter.

Mr Zimba said it was not wise to start quarrellin­g with the court because there was an avenue for challengin­g its decision.

He said the constituti­onal court as a final court already pronounced itself on the matter and therefore the debate was unnecessar­y.

"Beginning to quarrel with the decision of the court is contemptuo­us because there is an avenue to challenge that, the position as it is, is that the constituti­onal court as the final court pronounced itself," Mr Zimba said.

Mr Zimba said the concourt stated that the current president has not served two terms.

He said it was not necessary for the court to address whether he is eligible or not because it had already ruled that he had not served two terms.

"The position of the court is very clear on the matter and those quarrellin­g with the court are committing an offence," Mr Zimba said.

Mr Zimba said people planning to challenge President Edgar Lungu’s nomination risk being cited for contempt of court.

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