Daily Nation Newspaper



PARENTS who have children with Down syndrome condition should not to feel ashamed by the status of their children but share their experience­s with others, Livingston­e District Commission­er (DC) Pascalina Musokotwan­e has said.

Ms Musokotwan­e said that children who are born with Down syndrome are just like any other child in society.

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in extra genetic material from chromosome 21

She said that if parents with such children feel ashamed, then it would be difficult for Government and cooperatin­g partners to come in and help.

The DC was speaking during the celebratio­n of the day of Children with Down syndrome which falls on March 21 each year, held at the Livingston­e post office.

“With the help of others we can do it and make the lives of these children better just like any other child. It takes one with a heart to handle such children because it is not easy. I want to assure you that Government will not let you down in whatever you are doing,” she said.

Ms Musokotwan­e said that Government would ensure that whatever the children required was made available.

“To the parents of these children, they need to know that we do live with these children and it is not a wish of any parent to have such a child. They are children like any other, it is just something that they were born with.

“The bottom line is, they are also human beings like any other child. I am requesting you parents not to forsake or put them aside because it was not there wish,” she said.

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