Daily Nation Newspaper

Ignore enemies of peace, Zambians advised


ENEMIES of peace and developmen­t derive joy in gossiping so that they create divisions in communitie­s and the country in general, Sacred Heart Parish

Priest Charles Mukuka has said.

Father Mukuka said in Kitwe that Zambians should not allow people with selfish motives to plunge the country into flames, but must always preach peace and reconcilia­tion ahead of the August 12 general elections.

The Catholic Priest was speaking yesterday during a church service which was attended by Nkoloma ward councillor Tasila Lungu Mwansa.

“Zambia this year goes to the polls on August 12 and it is important that we maintain peace by giving love to each other so that we maintain the gift of peace which God has given us. We should not mess up the peace which we have enjoyed.

“Let us not allow gossip to divide us. Enemies of peace and developmen­t derive joy in gossiping. These are selfish people and do not mean well. When they see peace and harmony, they want to create confusion,” he said.

Father Mukuka urged Zambians to co-exist and invest in good relationsh­ip so that the country could continue to enjoy peace and harmony despite people coming from different political parties, tribes and churches.

He said even in the fight against covid-19, the church would always work with the Government to ensure victory over the disease which had ravaged various sectors of the economy.

The Priest said life was not a bed of roses and so it was important that Zambians were united to fight various challenges that come their way as opposed to allowing challenges to divide the country.

“Life is not a bed of roses. It is full of challenges but people should not give up. Even in our fight against covid-19, let’s work Government to triumph over this disease,” he added.

And speaking later, Ms Mwansa, who is President Lungu’s daughter, said she was grateful that Father Mukuka had preached about peace and was hopeful that the message will be received by all the politician­s and Zambians in general.

“Father, we thank you for the message of peace. We have received it and we ask you to continue praying for the Government and politician­s,” Ms Mwansa said.

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