Daily Nation Newspaper



ONE of the traits that Zambians must demand, without compromise, is integrity among its leaders.

Leaders must be honest and exude integrity in all their dealings. Strong moral values must characteri­se any person who decides to venture into leadership.

It is not enough to take advantage of situations to advance personal agendas because sooner or later the character flaws will manifest. It is not tribalism to demand honesty and integrity.

Clearly being honest is not the same as being truthful. Lawyers for example have no obligation to present the truth because being honest means presenting all the facts surroundin­g a matter, they only present facts that are beneficial to their clients. They are honest in as far as presenting facts that favour the client.

Political leadership is different. Those aspiring for office must be both honest and truthful. They cannot assume office with unrequited skeletons that put their credibilit­y in question.

The nation must have leaders who should be able to stand scrutiny not only in public but in their private lives as well.

Sadly however, there appears to be a proliferat­ion of characters who have over rated themselves and think they can do as they please.

They have a misconcept­ion that they are the best things that ever happened to the Zambian nation.

But a basic component that they lack is integrity and their failure to admit to their limitation­s not only as self-prescribed leaders but even in their individual capacity.

But because they have been given a platform, or allowed to share the national stage, they now believe they qualify to dictate what values the nation must accept.

It is our belief that the hallmark of a true leader is integrity, coupled with principles and honesty.

It is in this vein that Zambians must put anyone who claims to be a leader through a microscope lest they be taken for a ride.

A principled person acts based on his or her beliefs. They are guided by truth as they seek justice for all.

These are the people who are in politics not to serve the nation and contribute to its developmen­t but for what they can get for their pockets.

We hope that Zambians will learn not to accept every “Jim and Jack” wanting to lead as leadership material.

Anyone who claims for example to want to work with the Patriotic Front must believe and accept its core values, that it is a pro-poor party.

The same goes for the United Party for National Developmen­t, the countrys biggest opposition party.

Young people are looking at the current crop of political leaders and want role models who will inspire them.

There are principled politician­s who should be emulated we are not ashamed to mention the outgoing Vice President Ms Inonge Mutukwa Wina for her selfless service to the nation.

Hers has been a life dedicated to serving the downtrodde­n even before she rose to be the country’s first female Vice President.

Ms Wina served in the civil society movement with distinctio­n and continued when she entered mainstream politics. She is leaving office a proud Zambian who has delivered.

She definitely cannot be compared to political misfits whose only claim to fame is their misdeeds.


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