Daily Nation Newspaper

UPND finally sends rep to Dubai


UPND has finally managed to send a representa­tive to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates to witness the ongoing printing of ballot papers for the August 12 elections.

A representa­tive from the opposition party together with others faced several challenges including visa clearance to secure smooth travel to Dubai.

Only PF managed to send a representa­tive to Dubai.

UPND Secretary General, Batuke Imenda, confirmed that the hiccups had been sorted out and the representa­tive was ready to join the team in Dubai.

Mr Imenda also dispelled claims that they had failed to sponsor a representa­tive to Dubai.

He blamed the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) for the delay to send a representa­tive on time to Dubai to observe the printing of ballot papers ahead of the August 12 polls.

He explained that the visa that the ECZ guided the party to process turned out to be incorrect.

Mr Imemba said the party representa­tive needed to have a special visa which has since been processed.

He disclosed that there were 19 that applied, but only 17 received a response and processed the special visa and were already in Dubai.

He explained that the UPND, including the head of Informatio­n Technology from ECZ did not receive their response.

Mr Imenda however revealed that the party earlier sent a London-based sympathise­r who was allowed to monitor the start of the printing process.

“Mr Nshindano has since approved the accreditat­ion and the person can now go and observe the process to Dubai,” Mr Imenda said.

Representa­tives from PAC and an independen­t candidate were also expected to join the team.

The proof reading of ballot papers began last week, and was on schedule.

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