Daily Nation Newspaper



REASONS advanced by most foreign mining companies that they cannot give busi ness or contracts to local companies because they provide poor quality works and goods are mere excus es to deny them big jobs in the mining industry, says the Associatio­n of Mine Suppliers and Contractor­s (AMSC).

AMSC interim President Coster Mwaba said most foreign mining companies were deliberate­ly denying Zambian companies jobs so that they give jobs to their foreign business partners.

In an interview in Kitwe at the weekend, Mr Mwaba said this behaviour was de priving Zambian companies of business and money was being taken out of the coun try which if retained could be used for various purposes locally.

Mr Mwaba said it was for this reason that the associatio­n was seeking a meeting with the government to put in place a law of local content which will compel foreign mining companies to give jobs to Zambians.

“The way it is now, when you are given a job by any mining company, you are even shivering because you cannot believe it. They can either give you or not. This is why we are advocating for a law which will talk about the local content.

“This law will compel for eign mining companies to give jobs to Zambians. It will make it illegal for a for eign mining company not to give jobs to a local Zambian company. This talk of saying local companies supply poor quality goods is not true be cause both local and foreign suppliers buy from Chinese,’’ Mr Mwaba said.

Two weeks ago, the Mine Suppliers and Contractor­s Associatio­n (MSCA) of Bwalya Mufonka and the AMSC of Augustine Mubanga signed a Memorandum of Understand­ing (MoU) for the two associatio­ns to merge at Lunte Lodge where Mr Mubanga bade farewell as AMSC leaving the interim Presidency of the associatio­n to Mr Mwaba.

At the same event, Mr Mubanga said the hiking of fuel prices and electricit­y tariffs will render local mine contractor­s, suppliers and manufactur­ers irrelevant be cause their cost of produc tion and transporta­tion will go up and so they will be come less competitiv­e to the foreign contractor­s and sup pliers in the mining sector,’’ mine suppliers and contrac tors have said.

And on the decision by the two associatio­ns to merge, Mr Mubanga said it was nec essary to help the members provide one voice in the in dustry with effective representa­tion.

He said the contractor­s and suppliers countrywid­e were doing business with the mining sector and therefore required one strong voice to ensure they were not margin alised but given equal share of business.

He emphasised on the need for the members to be non-partisan as engaging in partisan politics would affect the business environmen­t and value of associatio­n.

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