Daily Nation Newspaper

Diversify power generation to ensure supply stability supply, Zesco urged


THE newly appointed ZESCO board of directors has been advised to immedi ately get to work and ensure that the state owned power utility company diversifie­s power energy generation as opposed to only depending on hydro-electricit­y.

Energy expert Victor Hazemba, said the continued dependence on hydro power has consequenc­es considerin­g the negative effects of climate change that is influencin­g the rain pertain not only in Zambia but also in the entire SADC region.

Mr Hazemba said the new Zesco board has a tough job ahead of them to end load shedding that is affecting some parts of the country. He said Zesco should immediatel­y re vive the three solor Power deals signed with Power China wor thUS$548 million to develop 600MW (AC) grid-connected Solar PV Power Plants to be lo cated in Chibombo, Chirundu, and Siavonga Districts.

Mr Hazemba said it’s im portant for the country to start preparing itself in terms of using other sources of power generation apart from hydro, because although the Southern Africa Climate Outlook Forum (SARCOF) has predicted nor mal to above normal rainfall for the 2021/2022 season in much of the SADC Region, Zambia is likely to receive be low normal rains.

He warned that failure to plan now, would plunge the country into another electric ity power crisis experience­d from 2016, that almost para lyzed businesses as well as vital growth sectors such as mining.

Mr Hazemba said Zambia is blessed with abundant sun shine which it can use to gen erate enough solar energy and therefore it doesn’t make sense that the country should be ex periencing power blackouts.

He also said considerin­g the abundant energy sources such as solar and coal, the coun try is blessed with, Zambia should not even be thinking of importing power but instead should be the one exporting to the Southern Africa Power Pool(SAPP).

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