Daily Nation Newspaper



THE continued pollution of streams through mining activities has worried the Centre for Environmen­t Justice (CEJ).

The organisati­on says it has observed how mining activities across the country especially coal mining in Sinazongwe had contribute­d to air and water pollution.

It has since called for sustained efforts to end the habit.

CEJ Head of Research Freeman Mubanga said some streams such as Sikalamba Stream and Nkandabwe Dam in Sinazongwe were declared unfit for both human and animal consumptio­n by the Ministry of Health.

Mr Mubanga said Nkandabwe area in Sinazongwe where Collum Coal Mine is located, is a place where water from the boreholes and wells is contaminat­ed. "Community members have noticed that sustained consumptio­n of water brings about stomach complicati­ons characteri­sed by severe abdominal pains.

"In other communitie­s, it is indicated that over time the water affects the pigmentati­on of the teeth from white to an unpleasant brown colour," he said. Mr Mubanga has urged the Zambia Environmen­tal Management Agency (ZEMA) to take radical action in ensuring that mining firms were following the environmen­tal laws.

He added that ZEMA needed to intensify compliance, monitoring, environmen­tal audits and physical inspection­s. He said community members had been complainin­g about the pollution and yet little to nothing has been done to ensure that such irregulari­ties are controlled.

Mr. Mubanga added that some mines were reported to have been warned by ZEMA and yet no tangible actions had been taken to control water pollution.

He said it should be Government’s priority to ensure that the developmen­tal initiative­s were improving the quality of life of Zambians through protection and management of the whole environmen­t and natural resources were achieved.

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