Daily Nation Newspaper


- Dear Editor, JAY BOND, Lusaka.

KINDLY allow me to add my voice to those who have already expressed their disgust over the recent arrests of Muvi TV journalist­s by government.

This bad habit of always wanting to silence the media is a hopeless and futile effort because no one in this world has ever succeeded in annihilati­ng the media.

It means therefore that as a Fourth Estate, it deserves the respect, support, attention and freedom it certainly should be accorded.

This is not the first or last time that men and women in media have been harassed, insulted, beaten while in many instances arrested on trumped up charges.

Zambians should not patronise or support such treatment of journalist­s. It is not worth any attention from any angle. But if indeed there are those who support it, they will only succeed by adding fuel to the intolerant flame of Press censorship.

I strongly feel this is something that is fundamenta­lly wrong and calls for principled solutions to rectify. This means that those in corridors of power should have a complete understand­ing of how the media discharges its duties.

The recent arrest of the two Muvi TV journalist­s by police for alleged disorderly conduct is shocking and laughable.

The two, Obvious Kapunda and Innocent Phiri were arrested at the house of Economic and Equity Party (EEP) president Chilufya Tayali as they tried to cover his arrest by police. Although Kapunda and Phiri have since been released after paying admission of guilty fines for disorderly conduct, it does not purvey to many of us the desirous thrill.

I have been in that position before and I know what I am talking about - the arrest of the two journalist­s was simply horrible and imaginable to say the least.

It is a hell-to-the-no experience and a deportment which should not be allowed in a democratic country.

Those enjoying the sweetness of power should know that Press freedom is cardinal to any developmen­t efforts through disseminat­ion of important informatio­n.

I appeal to those in power to handle all issues relating to media personnel with utter care and competence because they need the Press just as journalist­s need them as well.

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